Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Ready. Set. Go!

My One Little Word for 2012 is Action.   As in...time to take action for all the things I want to accomplish.  As in...time to get off my butt and get to the gym.   In either case, Action = Results.   I am pretty much of a procrastinator.  I've been "talking" about starting a blog for a few years now.  I want to do it mainly for my Close To My Heart business...to share ideas and projects with my customers and fellow consultants.  I also want a place where I can "tell our families story"...kind of like an online journal of sorts.  A place to post pictures of our simple life.   I've had the layout done for some time now.  Just needed to push myself to the point of having it go live!  I won't guarantee a constant stream of posts...I know myself better than that.  Afterall, I did start off the year great at the gym.  But, have failed to get there since our trip to Hawaii.  Speaking of which...maybe that is where I will begin...

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